Sunday, 1 May 2011

Suicide Prevention is EVERYONE’S responsibility.

Suicide ALWAYS has warning Signs:

*      Verbal warnings: The person talks about death/wanting to die/dying

*      Behavioral warnings: The person behaves differently than they normally do

*      Situational warnings: Some life situation is causing them extreme stress/worry

Do you know someone who has?

*      Behaved in a different way lately/Is more emotional

*      Has stopped talking or started spending a lot of time alone?

*      Started drinking more or using drugs to deal with feelings?

*      Talked about killing himself or herself, or someone

*      Had something bad happen to them recently

How can you help them?

Use AAA method
Ask: Are you thinking about suicide?
Appeal: Persuade them to stay alive by offering support and listening to them.
Assist: Refer them to Professionals who can help or assist them in getting the help they need

Suicide Prevention is EVERYONE’S responsibility.

*    If you are in distress or know someone
 who is, use the AAA method of reaching
out to a person.

*    No one expects you to have all the answers-you only need to connect them to people who do.
*    Assist the person by referring them to SAHAYAM-OU Psychological Counseling Center at 040-27682451 

*    If it is an immediate threat contact Sahayam at (040) 27682451 or 90002-34262 immediately

*    After hours or on weekends contact the Institute of Mental Health at:  (040) 23814442 or (040) 23813252.


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