Develop a study plan for yourself which will help you to go a long way towards helping you reach your goal. Make a realistic plan that’s established according to your needs and schedule, and supports the way you learn. This allows you to stick to your study plan and learn at your own pace, which contributes to learning process.
A few important questions to ask yourself:
How much material do I need to cover?
How difficult is the material?
How much time is available?
Do you have any other priorities during the study period?
What is the format of the exam? How important is the exam?
What is your performance target for the exam?
Tips to create study plan
· Budget time realistically· Allocate the study time into several manageable study sessions
· Divide the course material into small segments and assign them to the study sessions
· Set clear and specific goals for the study session
· Prioritize to ensure that material weighted more heavily in the exams get sufficient study time
· Take into account your familiarity with material and the difficulty level
· Don’t make study session too long
· No Noise – avoid studying with television or radio on. Pick up a quiet place to study.
· Study sessions should have enough variety in terms of topics and activities to prevent boredom and loss of affectiveness
· Assess yourself – mark area you could be weak, and consider these areas, concentrate on them.
· Avoid cramming before exam.
(This is an extract from the writings of Anuraj Chopra on study plan)
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